
[notes on change] #3

yesterday i realized, i can not really escape stereotypes. it's already everywhere. 
in stars, in blood, on air, and off air.

let's start from astrology. and then the blood type.
from the academic class. to the social class.
and never forget to mention the double standard of mainstream and hipster. in short: taste. or in a more polite way: preference.
finally, the way people used to know you. most of the cases, it stays longer than you might have imagined, or you would have never hoped for, if not to say forever.

try to escape those apparently was, is, and will always be, a waste of time.

ps : how about try to smile on it, instead? and while you're on, make the drama of it, write it down as short stories. and send them to teenage magazines.i repeat: teenage, not kid.

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