
[journal] dear brains of the world,

as much as i understand what might be your reasons to be cynical about the place you're living in,
as much as i sense the logic of its temptation on driving you to create more and more satires,

i just can't respect you.

as much as i admit that satire is that one form of literature we all need to understand its dichotomy,
as much as i realize it does once in a while tempt me to shout it out,

i consciously choose to pretend not knowing that you're even exist.

as much as i wish for better place to stand,
as much as i desire to looked witty,

i somehow end up hoping that if only God would create you all just with a typical. 

i hereby declare that i can not accept differences,
if and only if :
one thing among them is a freedom to feel that what one's holding onto is the best thing over what others're holding onto. 

liberty should not be about superiority, including that is hidden behind inferiority. 
(who said inferiority is a nice thing?)

. . .

yes i hate inferiority. so much. furthermore when it's stupidly enough used as camouflage towards superiority. it's just unforgivable. 

but then, watching these stupid war between fans and anti fans, and as if it's not enough, among fans, anti-fans, and anti anti-fans...just drove me crazy. enough to wonder which era am i actually living and on what kind of land it is.

i just don't want this overly insane and chaotic place i'm currently living in ruins my reason from 'in term of exploring' to 'just so i could escape from here'.

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