
[catatan] sketsa suara.

Dalam postingan saya di tanggal 28 Juli 2013, saya menuliskan bahwa saya ingin menuliskan sesuatu terkait tulisan-tulisan saya, khususnya yang memiliki label 'sketsa suara'. Hal tersebut, sekali lagi, berawal dari sebuah kicauan yang muncul di hari yang sama, yang sejujurnya cukup membuat saya kaget dan mungkin sedikit, ehm, keki.

Lalu, beberapa hari yang lalu entah kenapa saya iseng menelusuri tulisan-tulisan saya pada layanan blog lainnya, dan saya menemukan satu tulisan saya yang berisi tanggapan saya terhadap kasus serupa. Tentu saja, lagi-lagi adalah kasus saya sendiri yang saya alami kira-kira setahun yang lalu. Waktu itu saya membuat tulisan tersebut bersifat privat, atau tidak saya publikasikan. Setelah saya baca ulang, saya rasa tulisan tersebut masih sangat relevan untuk saya sampaikan terkait masalah yang saya sebut di atas tadi. Secara kebetulan, tulisan tersebut juga masih dapat dikatakan mewakili perasaan saya, dan saya harap cukup netral dalam menyampaikan pandangan saya.

Berikut ini saya salin kembali, dengan editing seperlunya tanpa mengubah inti, tulisan saya yang ditulis pada tanggal 3 Agustus 2012 . Mohon maaf sebelumnya karena tulisan tersebut saya tulis dalam bahasa Inggris.

Lately I feel quite shock to find some of my writings (on my other blog) being copy-pasted into an online forum, by a certain account, under with poetry themed threads to that, without giving any credit. Well, I am now still in a phase of trying to get this, and certainly not that I accept such kind of claiming.

However. let me give my thoughts on it.

First, please allow me to go blowing first.

Any form of writing, including poetry, is a process. It is a process of conveying one’s thoughts or feelings to other’s, despite whatever the motives are.

Intermezzo : and it’s just natural if every once and then we found some pieces of writings, be it an essay, a poem, or even a quote, those were strongly in line with our thoughts or feelings. Often we ‘borrow’ them to convey ours. Based on literacy etiquette, this is acceptable as long as we attached the credit of who has written them.

Words, I agree, belongs to anyone with passion of expression, those with needs to communicate with the world, with others, even with oneself. However, it is hard for me to believe that there would be two minds those think exactly alike or two hearts those feel exactly alike, of which each would result in lines those are exactly the same one to another.

That’s why I was strongly surprised when I found the exact duplicate of (some of) my writings in an online forum, without any credit and not even in a form of quote. So I just can’t help wondering, was this person really had been through the exact same events such those I'd experienced, encounter the exact same person in his/her life such whom I met, and dealing with the whole things the exact same way such I did? And I just can not find any common senses those could lead me to answer, “well…it could be”. Moreover, with that-everybody-must-be-agree-with paradigm that each individuals are unique and special and had their own ways, the answer would definitely be a “no, I don’t think so”.
Now, let's get cooling down. 

I’m not a copy-right nor a 2.0 Version of anything expert. However, the day I decided to start posting my poetry online, I was fully aware of this kind of thing, yet today I found that facing it in reality turns to be a total different matter. I’m trying though yet I won’t really take this hard, on me.

So this is my stand point. Writing is indeed a journey, never a destination. As much as every person is special, so do their journey. You might copy pasting other’s destination (yes, I intentionally use 'destination' here) and claim it as yours, but you could never copy paste their journey. In other words, pardon me, you might copy and claim my works, but you could never copy and claim what's made it. Even the same travel itinerary would reflect several different experiences for different persons, don't you think so?

Nevertheless, despite my writings were still far from anything good, I couldn't not respect my own process for eventually being able to convey my thoughts or feelings those way. Therefore, at the very least allow me to say this : “please do credit when taking out anything from here.” Okay, that’s it. My business is done. The rest is yours and your consciences ;)

I can’t thank you enough to those who appreciate my writings in many ways : those who love them, hate them, gave comments on them, criticized them, re-posted them with credit, or even silently reading them. 

Thank you :)

Demikian. Rasanya saya tidak perlu berpanjang-panjang lagi. Mudah-mudahan baris-baris yang sudah saya beri warna biru di atas cukup menggambarkan bagaimana sikap saya akan masalah ini. Sebagai penutup izinkan saya, sekali lagi, mengutip seorang penyanyi idola dalam penggalan liriknya:

"The lyrics that I’m writing with no space in between have my philosophy" 
(G-Dragon of Bigbang - A Boy, lyrics credit)

I believe that every journey worth to be recorded, whether it stored privately or shared publicly.
Be grateful with ours, that's the main source of what people might called 'inspiration'

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