
[notes] today's insight.

so one day i got some retweeted posts on my timeline from an account followed by YB (ahem). in short i ended up scrolling this account and marked some of its posts as favorite :") *it didn't make me want to follow the account though. once a while is enough. bunch of those in a day will suffocate me.*

here's the top two of my favorites :

Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are. Your reputation is who people think you are. (source)

Being nice to someone you hate doesn't mean you're fake. It means you're mature enough to tolerate your hate towards them. (source)

so thus i thought it's all normal for worrying to progress in life, to improve your character to appreciate yourself more. character is one thing that needs some room to breathe, some space to grow, some chance for (better) changes. 

and to disagree doesn't necessarily means to hate. and to hate doesn't necessarily means to be an anti. being nice is one thing with regardless. some people might called it fake, but what's the deal? stop being nice? you know that is not even an option. sincerity doesn't made overnight. it's trained. 

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